Portland Fishing Charters
2025 Fishing License Update: Daily and Multi Day. These can all be bought online via a cell phone or computer. You can download the odfw app on your phone and once you create a account it will auto populate to your app. Of course if you are going out with Matt at...
Portland Fishing Charters
1/1/2025 is an exciting day for sturgeon anglers along the Columbia River with the opening of our winter sturgeon season. The season dates and rules are listed below pulled from WDFW website. Its important to check the updated regs daily as the sturgeon season is a...
Wild Caught Salmon Recipes
Come fishing with us in Oregon! The Salmon are biting! RSVP Your next Salmon Fishing trip here! Salmon is a versatile fish that can be cooked in many different ways. Whether you prefer your salmon grilled, baked, or smoked, we have the perfect recipe for you. All of...